It's nice to know that you are reconnecting. Before I got married (the first time) our priest described "marriage" as the willingness to go through the cycle of infatuation, love, out-of-love, infatuation, love, out-of-love....over and over and over again. He said that divorce happens when the couple decides that they are no longer willing to go through that cycle with one another. I always liked that description.
Sounds like you and your man still want to go through the cycle with one another, which is a grand feeling. I'm glad for you!
Thanks everyone. It's truly touching how we all get excited when one of us is getting laid!
Anne- Of all the sermons I ever heard (hundreds, surely), I still remember one comment in a sermon years ago that feelings in a marriage are like the tide - the love goes in and out. When the tide is out, we can feel so forlorn. But to a large extent, successful, long-term relationships are about knowing those rhythms - knowing when the tide is out, that it will come in again.
One of my discoveries of the past year or so is that I truly love my Big Dude and I am willing to hand on for a change in the tides! And now the tide is in, I'm throwing myself in for the ride!
I'm 35 years old. I work in the government. I live with a Vietnam Veteran and our baby son. I angst a lot, but I also laugh a lot. I have so much that I should be extremely grateful, and yet the truth is that I want so much more.
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How exciting!
Hope you both enjoyed it ;-)
This is so good to hear. Very nice to come back to and I apologise for my absence of late. x
Lucky, lucky, lucky!!!!
HI Em just remember, you are LOVED, and LUSTED after.
he is the same man, with the same feelings for you wether he can perform or not!
PAX to both of you, and mummy too!
Yee-haw! Ride em cowgirl.
I'm happy for you guys. Keep it up.
PS---Get some Dude! GOT some
Dawg-gone happy for both of you!
Enthusiasm beats technique any day :)
So happy to see things 'looking up' for you in this department Emily.
This is wonderful Emily! I am so happy for you.
Good for you both, Em. . . ;)
Hi Emily,
So happy that things are so good right now.
Enjoy you two!!!
and lots of love from here.
(promise to post about my life very soon)
Oh, congratulations! Maybe things are starting to turn around for you!!
Enthusiasm covers a multitude of sins including...
Well, it's just a multitude which is a lot of them!
I'm glad he finally found the exact proper thing to do and say and put the two together as he often misses on one or the other.
Good for you, Em! I'm pleased. :)
It's nice to know that you are reconnecting. Before I got married (the first time) our priest described "marriage" as the willingness to go through the cycle of infatuation, love, out-of-love, infatuation, love, out-of-love....over and over and over again. He said that divorce happens when the couple decides that they are no longer willing to go through that cycle with one another. I always liked that description.
Sounds like you and your man still want to go through the cycle with one another, which is a grand feeling. I'm glad for you!
Thanks everyone. It's truly touching how we all get excited when one of us is getting laid!
Anne- Of all the sermons I ever heard (hundreds, surely), I still remember one comment in a sermon years ago that feelings in a marriage are like the tide - the love goes in and out. When the tide is out, we can feel so forlorn. But to a large extent, successful, long-term relationships are about knowing those rhythms - knowing when the tide is out, that it will come in again.
One of my discoveries of the past year or so is that I truly love my Big Dude and I am willing to hand on for a change in the tides! And now the tide is in, I'm throwing myself in for the ride!
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